
This page contains notes and sample code for common usage scenarios with this library.


If you wish to keep a connection open for long periods of time but do not need to send messages frequently, then a heartbeat holds the connection open and also detects when the connection drops unexpectedly. The following recipe demonstrates how to implement a connection heartbeat using WebSocket’s ping/pong feature.

 1async def heartbeat(ws, timeout, interval):
 2    '''
 3    Send periodic pings on WebSocket ``ws``.
 5    Wait up to ``timeout`` seconds to send a ping and receive a pong. Raises
 6    ``TooSlowError`` if the timeout is exceeded. If a pong is received, then
 7    wait ``interval`` seconds before sending the next ping.
 9    This function runs until cancelled.
11    :param ws: A WebSocket to send heartbeat pings on.
12    :param float timeout: Timeout in seconds.
13    :param float interval: Interval between receiving pong and sending next
14        ping, in seconds.
15    :raises: ``ConnectionClosed`` if ``ws`` is closed.
16    :raises: ``TooSlowError`` if the timeout expires.
17    :returns: This function runs until cancelled.
18    '''
19    while True:
20        with trio.fail_after(timeout):
21            await
22        await trio.sleep(interval)
24async def main():
25    async with open_websocket_url('ws://my.example/') as ws:
26        async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
27            nursery.start_soon(heartbeat, ws, 5, 1)
28            # Your application code goes here:
29            pass

Note that the ping() method waits until it receives a pong frame, so it ensures that the remote endpoint is still responsive. If the connection is dropped unexpectedly or takes too long to respond, then heartbeat() will raise an exception that will cancel the nursery. You may wish to implement additional logic to automatically reconnect.

A heartbeat feature can be enabled in the example client. with the --heartbeat flag.